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What´s On – Wednesday 16 April 2014

listen to ‘Wednesday´s What´s On Guide’ on Audioboo WEDNESDAY 16th APRIL, 2014 Foursquare Day. April being the 4th month and the 16th being equal to four squared. World Entrepreneurship Day. Markets Albatera, Alcoi, Benidorm, Callosa de Segura, Guardamar del Segura, La Mata, San Miguel de Salinas. ALICANTE Historical exhibition, “Orihuela, arqueología y museo”, MARQ provincial […]



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Foursquare Day. April being the 4th month and the 16th being equal to four squared. World Entrepreneurship Day.


Albatera, Alcoi, Benidorm, Callosa de Segura, Guardamar del Segura, La Mata, San Miguel de Salinas.


Historical exhibition, “Orihuela, arqueología y museo”, MARQ provincial archaeological museum (Until 11 May).


“Miguel Hernández. 50 x 50”. Orihuela, 22 years later, Sala Museo San Juan de Dios, (Until 22 Apr).

“Libro de actas capitulares del Consell 1353-1357” – Biblioteca Pública Municipal María Moliner (Until 30 Apr). This is the oldest book of records preserved in the Municipal Archives.

07,00 h.: TRADICIONAL TOQUE DE GEMELAS DE LA MAYORDOMÍA DE NTRO. PADRE JESÚS por las calles y plazas de la Ciudad.

18,30 h.: PROCESIÓN de la Orden Franciscana Seglar y Muy Ilustre Mayordomía de Nuestro Padre Jesús.  Procession of the Secular Franciscan Order and Illustrious Stewardship of Our Father Jesus.

22,30 h.: PROCESIÓN de la Cofradía de la Sagrada Institución de la Eucaristía “Santa Cena” y Ntra. Sra. de los Ángeles y de la Real Archicofradía y Mayordomía del Pilar y Real Cofradía de “El Lavatorio”. Procession of the Brotherhood of the Sacred INstitution of the “Last Supper” Eucharist Nuesta Señora de los Angeles (Our Lady of Angels), the Royal Arch-Brotherhood and Stewardship of the Pilar, and the Royal Brotherhood of “Jesus Washing the Feet”.


Circus SHow, plus home furnishing event – Zenia Boulevard.


11.00h-14.30h and 17.30h-22.30h- 17th EDITION OF THE BOOK FAIR, PASEO VISTAALEGRE (Until April 28th).


PROCESSION AT 22:00 H. fromthe Inmaculada Concepción Church with the float: “NTRO. PADRE JESÚS TRIUNFANTE Y NTRA. SRA. DE LA ESPERANZA Y DE LA PAZ”.

ITINERARY: Plaza de la Constitución, Caballero de Rodas and María Parodi streetto Ramón Galludcrossroad.

At the same time and from the Sagrado Corazón Church with the following floats: “CONVOCATORIA Y MUJER SAMARITANA” Y “NUESTRO PADRE JESÚS DE LA CAÍDA” accompanied by the traditional “Mantillas Españolas” (members of the Santa Mujer Véronica float).

ITINERARY: Plaza de Oriente, Zoa and Ramón Gallud street to Maria Parodi crossroad, where the floats from both Churches will meet. This religious meeting is called “Encuentro en la vía Dolorosa”.

After the religious meeting the procession will go along the following streets: Ramón Gallud, Patricio Pérez, Campoamor, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Azorín, Caballero de Rodas, Plaza de la Constitución.

Semana Santa Orihuela2014 _8



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