
Back to School – Eventually



As children get set to return to school for the 2017-2018 calendar, the dates for that return have been published but offer considerable differences depending where in Spain you are located. Because of these differences, teachers and parents groups are calling for a standard system of dates across the country.

A few examples show how the first students to return to the classroom will be the infant and primary schools in Navarra and Murcia, from Monday 4th and 5th. Students of Secondary Education (ESO) and Bachelor of Navarra (4th), Basque Country (7th) and La Rioja (8th) are arriving to the classroom in stages.

The communities of the Balearic Islands and Extremadura on the 13th for infant and primary schools, Castilla y Leon, the 18th, is the region where students of secondary and high schools return, followed by Andalusia and Galicia, both on the 15th.



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