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Xàbia and Calpe sex assault cases reach court



The Alicante Provincial Court will begin to hear evidence from today, Monday, against a man accused of raping a woman on July 30, 2022, in Xàbia.

The Prosecutor’s Office maintains that the defendant took advantage of the fact that the victim had lost consciousness due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and that she was lying on the pavement, to take her to an open field and have sexual relations with her. The woman regained consciousness during the sexual act and pushed the defendant, who fled the scene. The public prosecution asks for a ten-year prison sentence for him for a crime of sexual abuse.

In a second trial in the same Court that will take place on Thursday, October 5, the Prosecutor’s Office will request six years in prison for a crime of sexual abuse for the waiter of a pub in Calpe whom he accuses of having sexual relations with a woman, who was confused and dazed, and told him that she did not want to have sex with him.

The events occurred on September 2, 2019, when the defendant met the victim and a couple, who could not be identified, at the establishment where he worked. After having a few drinks and dancing, the four went to a wooded area where, according to the public accusation, they had sexual relations with each other. However, the victim reportedly told the defendant that she did not want to have sex with him. Despite this, according to the Prosecutor’s report, the man took advantage of her condition to attack her sexual freedom.

The post Xàbia and Calpe sex assault cases reach court appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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