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48 corruption cases in second quarter



Spanish judicial bodies prosecuted 48 individuals and 11 legal entities for corruption crimes during the second quarter of 2023. In that same period, they handed down 20 sentences, of which 65 percent were totally or partially convicting.

Spanish judges issued an order to open an oral trial or indictment against 59 people in 10 corruption proceedings during the second quarter of this year. Of the 59 people who were or will be brought to trial for this type of crimes, 11 were legal entities and 48 were individuals.

This is revealed by the repository of data on corruption procedures of the General Council of the Judiciary after incorporating the information corresponding to the months of April, May and June 2023, which also includes the number of sentences handed down, which was 20.

The information offered by the repository corresponds to the so-called public corruption, understanding that this is what causes the highest rates of concern among citizens. In this way, the judicial procedures whose data are reflected in the repository have as active subjects, public officials, rulers and politicians in the exercise of their positions, and as one of the elements of the involvement of public money, thus covering both the administrative corruption as well as political corruption.

These phenomena are included in the Penal Code as crimes of urban prevarication (articles 320 and

The majority of individuals were in Andalucia (24), followed by the Communidad Valanciana (12), then Madrid (10).

Between April 1 and June 30 of this year, the Courts and Tribunals handed down 20 sentences in proceedings for corruption crimes. Of them, 13 were convictions and 7 were acquittals, which means that the ruling was conviction in 65% percent of the cases.

The post 48 corruption cases in second quarter appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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