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Five years for sexual assault on a minor



A man faces a five-year prison sentence today after being accused by the Prosecutor’s Office of a crime of sexual abuse of a minor, for which he will be tried at the Provincial Court of Ciudad Real.

The events took place in the autumn of 2021, on an unspecified date, when the minor visited the home of the accused, who was the romantic partner of the victim’s maternal aunt, to play Play Station with the accused’s nieces.

When the girls left and the accused found himself alone with the victim, he began “touching her variously”.

Subsequently and until October 18, 2021, the accused, on repeated occasions without being able to specify an exact number, when visiting the family home where the minor lived, approached her room to also carry out further assaults.

According to the provisional conclusions written by the Public Prosecutor’s Office the minor remained immobile, paralysed by fear.

The day after October 18, the minor told what had happened to the head of studies and the educator of the Secondary Education Institute where she was studying, and from that moment on, the Court of Instruction number 3 of Ciudad Real decreed a ban of the accused to approach and communicate with the victim.

The facts constitute a continuing crime of sexual abuse of a minor, for which the accused is requested to be sentenced to 5 years in prison and, later, seven years of supervised release, in which the accused could not approach or communicate with the victim.

It is also requested that the accused participate in a sexual education program and that he cannot exercise any profession or trade, whether paid or unpaid, that involves regular and direct contact with minors for a period of 11 years.

The post Five years for sexual assault on a minor appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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