
Spain Will Await the President’s Statement Today



The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, is expected to make a public statement at noon today (brought forward to 11:00 at the last minute) on his political future after he withdrew from public engagements last week following the announcement of the reopening of an investigation into his wife’s affairs.

A few places around the country celebrate local holidays today, amongst them are Matorell in Barcelona, Tomelloso in Ciudad Real, and a few towns around Alava.

The week starts in Spain with the publication of the spring Financial Stability report by the Bank of Spain.

In addition, in the eurozone, industrial production for February and total reserve assets for March will be known.

The European Commission presidential candidates’ debate takes place.

On the other side of the Atlantic, in the US, the main references will be retail sales for March and the manufacturing Empire for April.

No doubt the figures will be glossed over by some, but the Office of National Statistics (ONS) will publish their latest report on persistent poverty in the UK and EU.

We will also have the Q1 GDP for Republic of Ireland.
Spain Today – Monday 29 April 2024


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