Around Spain

Tribute to Torrevieja May Fair 2024 – Schedule of Events



The Torrevieja May Fair will once again be considerably smaller than previous years, and relocated into the rather small Railways Station Park, and, just like last year, will once again be billed as a Tribute to the May Fair, rather than the lavish extravaganza which attracted tourists from around the country.

The Councillor for Festivals of the Torrevieja City Council, Rosario Martínez Chazarra, reported that everything is already prepared for the Tribute to the Torrevieja May Fair, which will be held from May 9 to 12, in the Parque de la Estación, which is now closed to the public whilst the fixtures are installed.

The councillor highlights that, like last year, the Parque de la Estación will have a regulated capacity with the maximum legal capacity, and so it is possible you might get turned away, which critics of the location point out would not be the case if the event was held in a more suitable location like the Antonio Soria Park.

The station park will be conditioned to house a stage for dance schools to hold their exhibitions and 6 booths will be installed. The councillor did not point out that this too is a further reduction as last year there were 7 booths, which was already a considerable reduction on the 20 normally provided in the harbour area.

The park and the booths will have the same musical background with the performance of DJs.

The Department of Public Lighting will illuminate the tribute with traditional luminous arches, which is a bonus because on of the town hall’s arguments for not locating the venue at the Antonio Soria Park is the lack of electricity (despite the fact this has not affected a single one of the other events which have taken place there).

The venue will open on Thursday, May 9, at 7:00 p.m., with the inauguration of the Tribute to the May Fair. The venue will close its doors on Sunday, May 12, in the afternoon.

The Station Park site will have security guards, as well as volunteers from Civil Protection and Local Police. Two ambulances will also be permanently located, a drinking water point will be installed for the use of the booths and in the area of ​​cleaning, both waste collection and recycling, as well as work inside the park, will be reinforced.

Finally, it should be noted that the Local Police have planned traffic cuts and parking restrictions around the Parque de la Estación on Avenida de la Estación (between Avda. Diego Ramírez and C/Greco) and Calle Greco (between Avda. Estación and C /Portalicos) (if only there was a more suitable location with more parking (like Antonio Soria Park)!!!)

Torrevieja May Fair 2024 Schedule of Events

Thursday May 9

7:00 p.m.: Opening of doors and Inauguration of the Tribute to the May Fair

8:00 p.m.: “QK” Dance Academy and “Paya’s” Dance School

9:30 p.m.: Fireworks

Friday 10th May

8:00 p.m.: “Arantxa Blanco” Dance Centre and the Municipal Dance School with its teacher, Nuria Girona.

Saturday May 11

8:30 p.m.: “Mery Dance Academy” and “Soul Dance”


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