Around Spain

Child pornography suspect on trial



The Provincial Court in Leon will begin to hear evidence from Tuesday against a man from Leon, accused of photographing the genitals of an eight-year-old girl. He faces ten years in prison, seven for producing child pornography and three more for distributing the imagery.

The accused, with the obvious intention of satisfying his sexual desires, according to the prosecutor, from several IP addresses, one of them associated with the landline telephone number corresponding to the connection address and another address corresponding to the landline telephone number of the bar where he works, distributed on a website a folder with 25 image files, of which 23 depict a minor in a clearly pornographic manner, who at the time of the events was about eight years old, lying on the bed and depicting in close-up the sexual organs and buttocks of the girl, the accused having taken said images with his mobile phone.

After a search of his home was carried out, on July 2, 2019, a laptop with 4,492 files, including the 25 aforementioned pornographic images and also images of minors engaging in explicit sexual activities were found.

Furthermore, in the browsing history, two conversations were found in which the accused requested “videos of naked girls” and another in which the accused sent a multitude of multimedia files in which minors appeared performing acts of explicit sexual content.


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