Around Spain

Eight sexual abuse crimes in Valencia Courts this week



The Valencia Courts are this week hearing evidence in eight sexual abuse cases, six of which are against minors.

Yesterday, the trial began against an individual accused of a continuous crime of sexual abuse allegedly committed against the daughter of his then romantic partner when the events occurred, between July 2020 and October 2021. The child being between 10 and 11 years old.

The Prosecutor’s Office, which is provisionally requesting 6 years in prison for the defendant, maintains that he took advantage of the moments when he was left in the common house alone with the minor to touch her of a sexual nature.

On the same day, the trial began against a 19-year-old young man accused of a continuous crime of sexual abuse, a crime of sexual provocation through the Internet and a crime of exhibitionism allegedly suffered by a minor under 13 years of age.

The events occurred for approximately half a year in 2019, within the framework of role-playing games with strong sexual content to which the victim voluntarily agreed, according to the Prosecutor’s Office in its provisional conclusions.

These games consisted of written conversations or audio messages through WhatsApp in which both encouraged each other to masturbate. The Public Ministry reports that the young man was fully aware of the girl’s age and that despite this he encouraged her to send him erotic photographs.

For these facts, the Prosecutor’s Office initially requests 6 years and 8 months in prison.

Today, Tuesday, a nurse will be tried for whom the Prosecutor’s Office demands a sentence of 10 years in prison for a continuous crime of sexual abuse.

Apparently, he had complete sexual relations with a minor patient, a 16-year-old girl, taking advantage of her vulnerability and emotional dependence, according to the prosecutor’s indictment.

Also today, the rial is set to begin against a man for sexual abuse in November 2019 against a woman whom he had picked up after finding her wandering the street, as she had run away from a supervised apartment for days.

The victim suffered from bipolar schizoaffective disorder, which is why a court had declared her partially incapacitated. The accused faces 10 years in prison.

Finally today, the prosecutor will request 8 years in prison for a crime of sexual abuse of a minor for a man whom he accuses of having sexual relations with a girl, 11 years old at the time of the events, with whom had an emotional relationship.

The events occurred in December 2019 at the defendant’s home, in a municipality in the Horta Sud region, when the defendant, 18 years old at the time, proposed to the victim to have sexual relations, to which she agreed.

Tomorrow, the trial is scheduled for a man accused of three crimes of sexual abuse committed against three different people, facts for which he faces 16 years in prison.

On Thursday, a man accused of trying to rape a woman, whom he allegedly hit and stole her backpack, will be tried.

The accused faces a sentence of 10 years and five months in prison.

Also on Thursday, the trial is scheduled for a man accused of sexually abusing and mistreating the minor daughter of his romantic partner.

The Prosecutor’s Office maintains that at least since the victim was 9 years old, the defendant took advantage of the moments when both were in his bedroom, in the family home in a municipality in the Horta Nord region, to subject her to touching and other sexual practices.

The Prosecutor’s Office adds that during their coexistence the man regularly hit the girl and that on November 19, 2015 he threw a bottle that hit the minor, whom he grabbed by the hair and punched and kicked.

The public accusation asks for ten years in prison for him for a crime of sexual abuse and another of mistreatment in the family.


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