Around Spain

Benidorm bound sex offender facing 4 years in prison



A man is facing four years in prison when his trial starts in Alicante today, where he stands accused of sexually abusing a friend who was in an “unconscious state” in the back of a vehicle.

The Prosecutor’s Office maintains in its indictment that the victim, who was traveling in a car with the defendant from Alicante to Benidorm, could not “speak or make any movement.”

The events occurred on the night of March 5, 2022, when the defendant and the victim were traveling from Alicante to the town of Benidorm in the back seat of a vehicle, along with two more friends, who occupied the front seats, according to the case data provided by the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, during the journey to Benidorm, “the defendant had sexual relations with the victim, who had consumed alcohol and was in a state of unconsciousness, unable to speak or make any movement.”

The public prosecution requests a four-year prison sentence for the alleged aggressor.


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