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Carlos Mazon in Torrevieja Carlos Mazon in Torrevieja

Around Spain

Regional President to Visit Torrevieja



Just a little over a year after the elections, the President of the Valencia Region, Carlos Mazón, will finally visit Torrevieja this week.

However, the visit in in connection with the European elections, rather than sorting out the problems with healthcare, schools, education, policing, services, etc.

The president will be available with perhaps the most photographed politician in the country, Eduardo Dolón, the Torrevieja head of the PP, who was earmarked for a regional job but never made it.

The visit is scheduled for Wednesday 5 June, at 8:30 p.m., where he will attend a local business for the meeting, the Real Club Nautico, rather than one of the municipal buildings.

No doubt Mazón will allow extra time for his journey as he will be stuck on the N-332 for a while, as he is obviously not going to take an alternative route to avoid the notorious road after the criticism the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, got for avoiding the traffic when he visited, and it would therefore be somewhat hypocritical if he did.



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