
Reduced IVA rate on basic foods extended



Given the remaining high price of food, and the increases we are starting to see once again, the Government of Spain has been decided to extend the IVA reduction on basic foods.

Although this is good news, most of the benefits of the reduction were swallowed up by the increases, but at least we will not see an anticipated immediate hike, as the measure has been extended until June 2025.

0% IVA is maintained for:

  • Common bread, even frozen, only if it does not contain other additions.
  • Bread flours, not normal or pastry or coating flour.
  • Milk, liquid, powder, UHT or fresh (pasteurized) would also be at 0% and also concentrated, not condensed, which has the usual IVA.
  • Cheeses of all kinds, fresh, or more or less cured, from cows, sheep, goats…
  • Eggs.
  • Fresh, dried, frozen or fourth-range fruits and vegetables, as long as they do not contain other ingredients.
  • Tubers.
  • Cereals and dried legumes, rice, chickpeas, beans, corn ….

IVA is maintained at 5% for:

  • Olive oil, whether extra virgin, virgin, olive oil or olive pomace.
  • Seed, sunflower, soy or corn oils and their mixtures.
  • Pasta (macaroni, noodles, spaghetti).

The 10% IVA is on:

  • Special breads.
  • Canned vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Legumes.
  • Pre-cooked rice.
  • Pre-fried potatoes.

A reduced IVA is still not applied to meat and fish.


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