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Congress approves Climate Change Law



Spain will be a country free of greenhouse gases in less than three decades thanks to the Congress of Deputies approving the Climate Change Bill on Thursday, the first of its kind, which establishes the climate neutrality in 2050 and for this it will say goodbye to the sale of polluting cars in 2040, it will modify the energy and electricity system and will prohibit the exploitation of hydrocarbons and uranium mining, among other things. This rule, little by little, will change the way of living, producing and even the landscape of Spain.

However, the negotiation has continued until the last minute, especially focused on complaints about the lack of ambition. The fundamental objective is for Spain to be “carbon neutral” by 2050, that is, to reduce its emissions to a minimum and those it generates are offset or extracted from the atmosphere. But it also sets an intermediate goal to 2030 that has been under scrutiny for months.

Finally, the text sets the goal of cutting emissions at 23% compared to 1990 for that year, although in the vote on Thursday an amendment has been introduced so that in 2023 a first review will be made of the objectives.

In addition, the law also establishes that by 2030 the electricity system will have at least 74% generation from renewable sources, and that its penetration in final energy consumption is 42%.



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