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Seat reservations on international flights for August exceed 11.4 million



Seat reservations on international flights to Spain for the month of August exceeded 11.4 million, according to data released by Turespaña. Compared to the same month in 2022, when 10.5 million were offered, the year-on-year increase is 8.7%.

Regarding the best pre-pandemic August, that of 2019, the data is practically similar: in that month the number of reserved seats was 11.8 million.

For the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Héctor Gómez, “the excellent data on international flight reservations show that the forecasts for the high tourist season are coming true. The tourism sector is one of the main engines of our economy: it generates wealth and generates quality employment. Spain is an increasingly desired destination by international travellers due to its magnificent and diverse offer that places us at the head of the world powers of tourism”.

For this month of August, the good performance of Colombia stands out (32.5% more reserved seats than in August 2022), Poland (28.8% above a year ago) and Portugal (28.5 % YoY growth). Also noteworthy is the 7.4% year-on-year growth in reserved seats from the United States, the leading non-European market.

In relation to the percentage of seats by country, the United Kingdom is in the lead, with 23.2% of reserved seats of the total for this month, followed by Germany, 14%, and Italy, 9.6%. Between the three they concentrate almost half of the reserved seats.


The post Seat reservations on international flights for August exceed 11.4 million appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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