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Valencia Government Repeals Terrace Smoking Ban



Against the advice of experts in the health field, and contrary to the opinion of the majority of people responding to various surveys, the new Valencia regional government has decided to repeal the ban on smoking on terraces.

The Consell has decided on the move by stating that it will equate the region to state regulations on public health, as the ban was implemented as part of the Covid 19 restrictions, some of which were still in force despite the emergency being over, although Covid has not gone away and is now once again increasing at an alarming rate in the region.

The move was agreed during a meeting, held this Wednesday at the Palau de la Generalitat, between the President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, the Minister of Health, Marciano Gómez, and the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

Despite the fact that smoking is still prohibited in many public places around Spain, without causing any particular hardship, Valencia has bowed to pressure from the hospitality sector, rather than public health experts, “entrusting public health to the hospitality sector”, as one commentator reflected, “a big mistake for the health of the population”, said another, and so venues will once again have full capacity to decide in its own establishments the possibility of smoking on the terraces.

Other respondents to the publication of the news responded that the hospitality sector will suffer as a result, as those who do not want to be faced with the risk and discomfort of cigarette smoke avoid those venues which permit it, whereas a lone reply stated that it was good news as “smokers also have to eat”.

The post Valencia Government Repeals Terrace Smoking Ban first appeared on This Is Torrevieja – Torrevieja news and events.



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