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Vehicle theft advice Vehicle theft advice

Driving in Spain

Advice to Prevent Vehicle Theft



Our cars are amongst the most expensive purchases we can make, and although they are exposed to the elements in many ways, they are also at risk of something which fills many people with dread, of being stolen.

And that fear is not without basis, as according to the latest Crime Report from the Ministry of the Interior, a total of 7,870 car thefts were recorded in Spain between January and March, which is an alarming figure.

With the intention of trying to reduce this figure, the National Police have been sharing a video through their social media channels offering advice on how to prevent car theft.

Street parking: it is a somewhat strange recommendation, but the National Police recommends that we park on the street instead of in a parking lot whenever possible. This is because the thief is more exposed, since the vehicle will be close to the pavement, which increases the chance that someone will see them.

Park in busy and well-lit areas: if you do not have a parking space, it is advisable to park in busy and well-lit areas. Criminals prefer places with poor visibility, as it gives them more time to commit the robbery and reduce the risk of being identified by witnesses.

Turn the wheels: it should be common practice to turn the wheels slightly when parked on an incline, but this trick can also reduce the risk of the vehicle being taken away by a tow truck. Be careful not to turn the wheels too much as this could pose a hazard to other road users.

Anti-theft system: It never hurts to add additional things such as an anti-theft system like a GPS locator to track the location of the vehicle in case of theft. However, there are already cars that have security systems equipped as standard, but it never hurts to have extras in terms of security.

Manual verification: many cars have remote central locking systems, however it is important to manually check that the doors have been closed and locked correctly before walking away. This is because thieves can use frequency inhibitors to prevent the car from closing correctly and thus facilitate its theft.

The post Advice to Prevent Vehicle Theft first appeared on – Driving In Spain.



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