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Dominican national on trial for sexual assault



A 29-year-old citizen of Dominican nationality, who allegedly sexually assaulted a friend of his with whom he had gone out for drinks the night before, will sit in the dock in the Provincial Court of Lugo today to answer to the accusations against him.

The prosecutor’s office requests that the defendant be sentenced to eight years in prison and another seven years of supervised release. He also demands that he compensate the victim with 15,000 euro, and he will not be able to approach her home, her place of work or any other place she frequents, as well as communicate with her by any means for 15 years.

On the night of March 26 to 27, 2022, the two young people were having drinks in various hospitality establishments in the capital of Lugo. The next morning, according to the public prosecutor’s account, the accused entered the young woman’s room and stripped her from the waist down “in order to satisfy his libidinous instincts, without having the consent of the aforementioned woman and taking advantage of the fact that “she was sleeping, as well as serious alcoholic impairment and lack of consciousness.”

The young man did not stop his sexual assault, according to the Prosecutor’s Office in its indictment, until the victim “woke up and managed to separate herself from the defendant by pushing him.”

The court agreed at the time, as a precautionary measure, to prohibit the accused from communicating with and approaching the young woman at less than 500 metres away, an order that is still in force.

It has not been revealed whether the oral hearing that will take place next Tuesday will be held behind closed doors to preserve the victim’s right to privacy.

The post Dominican national on trial for sexual assault appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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