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Trial resumes against evil child killer



The Valencia Court resumes the trial today against a man accused of stabbing his 11-year-old son up to 24 times on April 3, 2022 in his home in the Valencian municipality of Sueca with the purpose of “causing as much harm as possible” to the mother.

The trial should have begun on December 18 with the selection of the members of the popular jury and the statement of the accused.

At first, the man had intended to acknowledge the facts, since it is a crime that does not allow discussion and he admitted responsibility. But at the last moment, the man broke the agreement unilaterally and told the court that he was not going to settle for the permanent, reviewable prison sentence.

As the trial would subsequently last longer than expected, the judge presiding over this jury trial decided to postpone it until after Christmas so that the members of the court would not remain incommunicado the weekend before Christmas Eve.

Furthermore, the judge informed the parties that made the decision so as not to add more suffering to the child’s relatives during such an important holiday.

The defence the accused will try to introduce, starting today, is mitigating circumstance to achieve a lesser sentence. Thus, the hearing will begin on Tuesday with the formation of the jury, the statement of the accused and the child’s mother, although the latter will be behind closed doors.

The homicide took place at the man’s home when the mother left the child with his father to celebrate his birthday. There was a restraining order, but the Family Court had agreed to joint custody.

As concluded by the Valencia Prosecutor’s Office, the father told his son about the attack he was about to commit and then stabbed him about twenty times with knives that caused his death.

Due to the injuries the victim had on his hands, the forensic report that will be presented at the trial states that the boy was trying to protect himself. But he could not defend himself because of his father’s strength.

The accused also let the child telephone his mother while the attack was taking place, and therefore allowed the woman to hear her son’s cries for help.

The man carried out this action, according to the Prosecutor’s Office and the rest of the accusations in the case, to cause the child’s mother the greatest pain imaginable, as the culmination of a lifetime of attacks and abuse, both psychological and physical.

As the same parties maintain, the man belittled his wife throughout the marriage in front of friends, family and co-workers. When she decided to separate, the beatings and physical abuse began.

After that, the woman took her son and went to live with her parents in the neighbouring town of Cullera. The accused continued calling and threatening her and in August 2021 he showed up at her in-laws’ house to demand that the child be handed over.

Immediately afterwards, the woman filed a complaint against him and a conviction was handed down against the man, in which a restraining order was imposed for eight months.

In September, the divorce decree was issued, by mutual agreement, with shared custody, after which the accused maintained the visits he was entitled to with his son and ceased all hostile acts towards his ex-wife. Until the days imminently before Sunday, April 3, 2022, when he began calling her again asking her to bring the child to him, who turned 11 on the 1st.

The immediate aftermath of the tragedy was discovered by the paternal grandmother and the child’s mother. The grandmother had gone to pick up the child at the father’s home and a few minutes later the mother also showed up, who, alerted by her son’s call, had notified the 112 emergency service and the Local Police, who mobilised several officers to the scene.

Vicarious violence

Vicarious violence is violence that has the ultimate goal of harming women through extreme violence against their loved ones, in most cases leading to the murder of their children.

It is called vicarious violence because it replaces, in this case, the woman with her children to destroy the mother’s life and cause her incurable pain, which in some cases has led to suicide.

Since cases of vicarious violence began to be counted in Spain in 2013, fifty boys and girls have been victims of the biological father or the mother’s partner or ex-partner throughout the Spanish State.

The post Trial resumes against evil child killer appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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