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Renewal of the State Pact against Gender Violence as an absolute priority in the short term



The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has chaired the extraordinary plenary session of the State Observatory on Violence against Women.

This extraordinary meeting has been motivated by the seriousness of the most recent figures, which show ten women murdered by sexist violence and seven children murdered by vicarious violence in less than 4 months, and which has marked as a priority in the short term the renewal of the State Pact against Gender Violence.

The president began his speech with a clear and resounding message by stating that this is a State issue, in which there is no room for denialist speeches or those that dilute this structural violence by twisting language. The statement perhaps a nod against PP-enabled Vox who claim sexist violence doesn´t exist, and only last week removed the term from one of the policies in an area they now govern.

Next, he referred to the Organic Law on Comprehensive Protection against Gender Violence, which will be 20 years old in 2024, as well as the State Pact against Gender Violence, which he described as a fundamental tool that we must improve, evaluate and adapt to the circumstances of today’s society.

After reviewing the figures that show the forging, in recent years, of a robust system to protect and prevent gender violence, and recognizing the unprecedented effort made, Pedro Sánchez has pointed out that it is evident that all of this is not enough and that there is We must continue to insist on the policies that are already in place and work, as well as correct dysfunctions and design new mechanisms to combat this structural violence.

In the specific area of ​​vicarious violence, he stressed that it is necessary to deepen the analysis of cases of murders of boys and girls, strengthen coordination between judicial bodies and between administrations that have powers and powers in this area, and continue working on the training in gender perspective and childhood perspective for judiciary, prosecutor’s office, forensic bodies, assessment teams, social services and child protection. All of these measures – he added – must be very present in the renewal of the State Pact against Gender Violence, an absolute priority in the short term.

Pedro Sánchez has insisted on the importance of all administrations recognising the violence exercised against women for the mere fact of being women, and that there be no room for doubt, nor room for other readings that attenuate or dilute sexist violence and that refer at a time fortunately surpassed.

He also reiterated that we have a magnificent tool at our disposal, such as the State Pact against Gender Violence, but that it is imperative to work to update it. We must have a permanent and expanded framework as soon as possible; adapted to the social changes that have occurred since its approval, he stated.

The president has acknowledged his request for an additional effort from each and everyone present: departments of the General State Administration, State Security Forces and Corps, judiciary and prosecutor’s office; regional governments and FEMP, social agents, third sector entities and legal operators. We are all part of the same mechanism, let us do everything in our power to synchronize it even better and show all our firmness and commitment against sexist violence – he concluded -.

The post Renewal of the State Pact against Gender Violence as an absolute priority in the short term appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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