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Maid Maid


Government to vote on elevating beds in tourist establishments



The Industry and Tourism Commission of Congress will debate and vote today on a non-law proposal from the PSOE to promote among the different administrations and the hotel sector the installation of elevating beds in tourist establishments, with the aim of facilitating the work of the maids and housekeepers.

The PSOE justifies the measure to move towards a “more sustainable and protective” tourism model for female workers against possible ergonomic or psychosocial risks. In the opinion of the Socialist Group, the elevating beds represent “an obvious improvement” in the working conditions of the housekeepers.

“They will see their physical efforts drastically reduced when lifting a bed,” says the training, which is inspired by a law from the Balearic government to present its proposal in the Lower House.

This law included a transitional period of five years in which establishments must replace their beds with others that can be raised mechanically or electrically, until in 2028 all beds meet this criterion.

In addition, the PSOE initiative urges the Government to recognise housekeepers as a “highly dangerous profession”, in order to advance in the recognition of occupational diseases and muscle injuries derived from work efforts.

“We talk about maids because it is a deeply feminised activity, with approximately 60.2% of the workforce made up of women and exposed to significant physical effort, according to UN Tourism”.

The party led by Pedro Sánchez argues that the organisations that have defended the labour rights of housekeepers have demanded the recognition of diseases derived from the muscular overload to which they are subjected, since their work involves very manual activities, repetitive movements and overexertion, which can lead to muscular and psychosocial injuries and diseases.



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