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Island sex abuse and drug trials today



A man will be tried on Wednesday at the Provincial Court of Palma accused of sexually abusing a minor under 15 years of age after offering her a joint.

In its brief, the Public Ministry indicates that at around 10:15 p.m. on October 9, 2018, the defendant, who was 25 years old at the time, was on a street repairing his motorcycle when he addressed the victim, who was walking in the direction to her house, and asked her to help him.

The defendant struck up a conversation with her, telling her that she was 20 years old and, after a while, invited her to go up to his house. Once inside, after offering her a joint that her minor smoked, he allegedly sexually abused her.

As a consequence, the victim has had to receive psychological and psychiatric assistance.

The Public Ministry considers the facts constituting a crime of sexual abuse of a minor under 16 years of age and requests eight years in prison for the man, the measure of probation for seven years and the payment of compensation in favour of the victim of 1,500 euro.

Meanwhile, the Second Section of the Provincial Court of the Balearic Islands will try two men, caught in Ibiza with different drugs –cannabis, ketamine, MDMA and cocaine– that they were going to sell.

According to the prosecutor’s brief, on September 21, 2016, both were in the vicinity of an establishment in Santa Eulàlia, together with a third person, when they were identified by the Guardia Civil, who proceeded to search them.

The agents found in their backpacks 30 plastic bags with cannabis, another 12 with MDMA and one more that contained ketamine, as well as five MDMA pills and two bags of cocaine. In addition, the defendants carried money divided into bills and digital scales.

For this reason, the Public Ministry asks for each of the defendants four years in prison, in addition to a fine of 6,000 euro.

The post Island sex abuse and drug trials today appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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