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Covid in Spain Covid in Spain


Latest Covid figures released



According to the latest update on the evolution of COVID19, with data reported as of June 28, the incidence rate (AI) of cases diagnosed in those over 60 years of age in the last 14 days stands at 41.56.

There are, however, just short of 14 million reported cases across the country, 13,914,811 to be exact, with 9,7563 new cases since the last update.

Only 3,203,212 cases are those over 60, the demographic used to dictate the incident rate.

Testing is quite rare, and only performed in certain circumstances now, and of the 24,392 Covid tests carried out, 15.46% were positive.

For its part, the total number of people who have died from Covid in Spain amounts to 121,760 (35 with a date of death in the last 7 days).  Madrid is top of the death league table, with 21,361, where it is worth noting the regional government team were opposed to many of the restrictions, followed by Catalonia with 21,241, then Andalucía with 15,866, Valencia region with 10,528, and Castille y Leon with 9,566.

Hospital occupancy stands at 1.06% and that of ICU beds at 0.99%. In real terms, there are still 1,297 people hospitalised with Covid, and 86 having to occupy ICU beds due to the severity of their illness.

The post Latest Covid figures released appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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