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Political muscle to meet on Monday



The acting president of the Government and general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, will meet with the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, on Monday at 5 p.m. in the Congress of Deputies, within the round of contacts for the investiture, sources have reported.

It will be the second meeting that Sánchez will hold after the one that took place last Wednesday with the leader of Sumar and acting second vice president of the Executive, Yolanda Díaz, with whom he agreed to accelerate the negotiation to close a government pact this month, October, rather than extending the negotiations through November, where the deadline failure would result in a new general election having to be called.

On Tuesday, Sánchez received the king’s order for an investiture, as Feijóo had failed in his attempt, but there is still no date set for that plenary session in Congress.

The meeting with Feijóo comes in the middle of the debate on the amnesty law, which is one of the demands that Junts and ERC have raised to support an investiture of Sánchez, and it is an issue on which the leader of the PSOE himself has already acknowledged that he is negotiating with the groups.

Sánchez will ask Feijóo at the meeting to “lift the veto” on the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), according to sources, since they assure that it is “something very serious and urgent.”

For their part, PP sources have announced that Feijóo will convey to Sánchez the “absolute rejection” that “the governability of our country is conditioned to the demands of the independence movement and represents the rupture of the equality of all Spaniards”, and will ask him with whom and what exactly the PSOE is negotiating.

The post Political muscle to meet on Monday appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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