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Labour costs in Spain will lead the financial news



The week ends in Spain with the publication of labour costs for the fourth quarter and January data on public administration debt, on a day in which BBVA holds a shareholders’ meeting.

Meanwhile, the main references on the other side of the Atlantic will be consumer confidence from the University of Michigan, the Empire index and industrial production. Back in the eurozone, the ECB publishes total reserve assets.

Spain will start Friday seeing the details from the INE on the labour cost survey for the fourth quarter, then the Bank of Spain publishes the progress of public administration debt figures for January, and finally that BBVA general meeting of shareholders in Bilbao.

In the Eurozone, Eurostat brings to light the labour market flows for the fourth quarter, and the ECB publishes the total reserve assets of the eurozone.

As for the UK, not a lot other than OECD harmonised unemployment and the Bank of England/Ipsos Inflation Attitudes Survey.

The post Labour costs in Spain will lead the financial news appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.



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