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Crime and Policing

Reckless Driver Caught by Social Media Post



The Guardia Civil has managed to locate and investigate the driver of a vehicle that was traveling carrying out dangerous manoeuvres on a public road open to traffic in which other vehicles were circulating and with the presence of pedestrians on nearby pavements.

The investigation began after viewing some videos published on social networks in which this type of behaviour was observed.

In the images you can see how on several occasions the driver of a car crosses paths with other vehicles and circulates very close to the groups of people who were gathered in the area. On one occasion, a pedestrian stepped onto the road, passing the car almost touching it.

These events took place on two different and consecutive days in the “Parque Tecnológico del Reciclado López Soriano” industrial estate, located in the Cartuja Baja neighbourhood of Zaragoza.

In the analysis of the images, the agents observed that the driver carried out manoeuvres commonly known in the jargon of fans of motor vehicle competitions as “drifting” (oversteering of the rear part of the car, keeping its front part as static as possible), and “donuts” (continuous skids due to oversteering of the rear part of the car, keeping its front part as static as possible), all with the presence of several people in the surroundings and vehicles on the road.

As a result of the investigation, it was possible to obtain the identity of the driver, a 30-year-old man, who has been located and investigated in the province of Barcelona, ​​charging him with two alleged crimes against road safety for reckless driving.

Given the risk to road safety that this type of illegal conduct represents, the units of the Traffic Group of the Guardia Civil maintain constant control and surveillance over them, with the aim of ensuring that these do not occur and avoid risks for road users.

The post Reckless Driver Caught by Social Media Post first appeared on – Driving In Spain.



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