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IKEA Spain IKEA Spain


IKEA building refugee support plan



The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration and the general director of IKEA Spain, Nurettin Acar, have signed a General Protocol of Actions between the ministry itself and the company IKEA Ibérica, which aims to facilitate the employability of the recipients of the system of international protection, otherwise known as refugees, asylum seekers, or migrants.

The collaboration between both organisations also includes the implementation of labour facilitation projects that allow better integration and achievement of autonomy for these people.

This new agreement will allow actions to be carried out regarding access to employment, regardless of whether other actions may be carried out subsequently.

Minister Elma Saiz has highlighted that “working for the people who come to our country in search of a better future is one of the main missions that give meaning to this ministry. Furthermore, we are clear that migration is an absolute opportunity and source of wealth that we want to take advantage of.”

In this sense, Saiz has valued IKEA’s actions with refugees. “We must be grateful that a company with an international presence like IKEA puts its will, means and resources towards this objective. I deeply hope that the example and leadership of IKEA will have a multiplying effect throughout our entire productive fabric.”

The general director of IKEA in Spain, Nurettin Acar, has started from his own experience to explain that “although I am not a refugee, I am a migrant and I know what it feels like to leave your home and your country. At IKEA, we have plans and a strong commitment to support refugees. We firmly believe that each person has a unique talent that makes us greater.”

“With the signing of this Protocol we want to achieve an egalitarian society, respecting human rights, creating a positive impact for people. By working together and collaborating with partners such as the Ministry, we deepen support for the integration of refugees,” he explained.

The Ministry of Inclusion and the multinational IKEA collaborate in the Employability Improvement Program that is aimed at refugees. This program works both on the accreditation of professional skills and access to employment in general, as well as on learning the language, promoting support networks and among employees and promoting a change of narrative by highlighting the immense wealth that refugees bring. in host societies.



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