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Unemployment Figures Unemployment Figures


Unemployment fell by 60,503 people in April



In the last 12 months the reduction is 121,870 people (-4.4%). Unemployment among women fell by 76,729 women in the last year (-4.57%), a greater year-on-year drop than that of men.

The number of unemployed people registered in the offices of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) at the end of April was reduced by 60,503 people (-2.22%) compared to the previous month.

The number of unemployed stands at 2,666,500. This is the lowest figure since September 2008.

Compared to the month of April 2023, unemployment was reduced by 121,870 people (-4.37%).

In seasonally adjusted terms, unemployment has been reduced by 27,748 people.

Unemployment by economic sectors

By economic sectors compared to March, registered unemployment decreases in Services by 42,067 people (-2.15%), Construction by 4,902 people (-2.34%), in Industry by 4,433 people (-2.08%) and Agriculture 3,451 people (-3.55%). It also decreased among the group Without Previous Employment by 5,650 people (-2.24%).

Unemployment by sex and age

Female unemployment decreased in April by 29,719 women (-1.82%) in relation to the month of March and stood at 1,602,838, its lowest level since December 2008. If we compare it with April 2023, the drop is of 76,729 women (-4.57%).

Male unemployment stands at 1,063,662, decreasing by 30,784 men (-2.81%). If we compare it with April 2023, male unemployment drops by 45,141 men (-4.07%).

For its part, unemployment among young people under 25 years of age fell in the month of April by 16,925 people (-8.26%) compared to the previous month, a rate that multiplies more than three times that of the general fall in unemployment.

Unemployment by autonomous communities

Unemployment registered in April 2024 drops in 16 Autonomous Communities. The falls in absolute numbers occurred in: Andalusia (-20,954 people), Community of Madrid (-8,044 people) and Catalonia (-7,359 people). It rises in the community of Canarias (2,424 people).


The total number of contracts registered during the month of April was 1,267,440. Of these, 559,254 are indefinite employment contracts, representing 44.12% of all contracts.



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